Posted: September 5, 2015
Open Cell Spray-In Foam Insulation 
By: Paul LaGrange, LaGrange Consulting
The best insulation to use for hot humid climates is open cell spray-in foam insulation. This foam seals all air leaks and insulates very well in the walls and at the roofline. Unlike other insulations, it is an air barrier, so air infiltration is greatly reduced when using spray foam insulation. Creating an un-vented attic, using foam insulation at the roof rafters instead of the ceiling joists, will offer the most energy benefits. By using open cell spray-in foam insulation, the attic is turned into conditioned space, part of the building’s thermal envelope. When this happens, the HVAC system no longer has to compete with the extreme temperatures found in vented attics, because most un-vented attics remain within 10 degrees of the home’s living space temperature. This allows you to downsize your HVAC equipment, saving money on the front end (by buying smaller equipment) and saving money every time the machine runs (because it is a smaller unit, using less energy). While spray foam insulation costs more than other insulations, its performance far surpasses that of any other insulation.
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